Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Free Go Kart Buggy Plans Where Could I Acquire Plans To Build A Kart/Buggy?

Where could I acquire plans to build a Kart/Buggy? - free go kart buggy plans

I would like to weld. Free or fee, if necessary


Steve C said...

If you build a kart, then you are really does not matter what kind of suspension do worry, and most of what you need is a framework to hang on / wheels, and somewhere to put a small engine (almost forgot that you have a seat!)

All you normally have to do is ensure, that the framework is strong enough to minimize the torsional bending / (if it prevents Flex / Twist is unlikely that is) in the middle arch probably a good idea with a kind of stabilizer - a cage / roll-over only in case management for the turnaround. The challenge of TV scrap yard of a vehicle so often, and should give you the meaning of what you need. As long as you do not exactly push the limits of performance, you should not be much worse.

There is a book by Ron Champion "You plan your own sports car on a budget" (ISBN 1-84425-391-0) is not included mathematics / theoretical physics is necessary for the loads on the frame and frame to calculate dimensions for it. If you really like a career in building / racing cars to stop, then myGht want some of the technical pounds Colin Chapman (Lotus) has company said.

You can always be used on the chassis of the car kit. Many auto parts in a frame, with a body bolted to it, and that the housing is such an important part of a car, manufacturers of these kits are often the desire, the "skeleton" of their vehicles. If you do doubt it will probably be able to develop a plan for a minimal cost.

ALAN R said...

You should be able to most plans kart or car purchase manufacturers.

Steven G said...

Google it! inevitably some that you can download

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